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BaseMethodsIdentifier - Class in jreframeworker.engine.identifiers
BaseMethodsIdentifier(ClassNode) - Constructor for class jreframeworker.engine.identifiers.BaseMethodsIdentifier
BINARY_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class jreframeworker.core.JReFrameworker
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager
Style constant for placing decorator image in bottom left corner of base image.
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager
Style constant for placing decorator image in bottom right corner of base image.
build(Set<IncrementalBuilder.DeltaSource>, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class jreframeworker.core.IncrementalBuilder
BUILD_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class jreframeworker.core.JReFrameworker
BUILD_PHASE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX - Static variable in class jreframeworker.core.JReFrameworker
BUILDER_ID - Static variable in class jreframeworker.builder.JReFrameworkerBuilder
BuilderUtils - Class in jreframeworker.core
BuilderUtils() - Constructor for class jreframeworker.core.BuilderUtils
BuildFile - Class in jreframeworker.core
BuildFile.LibraryTarget - Class in jreframeworker.core
For all practical purposes, we say a runtime target has a path and we know where it is absolutely or relative to the project
BuildFile.RuntimeTarget - Class in jreframeworker.core
For all practical purposes, we say a runtime target does not have a path since it is located depending on the current project runtime.
BuildFile.Target - Class in jreframeworker.core
A target is a jar that we want to modify
BytecodeUtils - Class in jreframeworker.engine.utils
BytecodeUtils() - Constructor for class jreframeworker.engine.utils.BytecodeUtils
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